- 18 4 月, 2013
- Media, Press Release
How to Foster Children with Healthy Voice
The Faculty of Education, in support of the University’s drive to strengthen knowledge exchange, one of the three strategic themes of the University’s Strategic Development, takes the initiative in knowledge sharing with the public by organizing a series of education seminars for parents. The past seminars on Mathematics, English, Liberal Studies, Information Technology, Studying Abroad, Teaching Children with Proper Voice as well as Children’s Creativity and Talent Development in the past and current years received enthusiastic response.
The Faculty is going to organize the 8th seminar on “How to Foster Children with Healthy Voice” in April 2013. The seminar is a continuation of the one held last year on “Using Clear and Soft Voice to Teach Your Kids” and an echo of the “World Voice Day” on April 16, 2013.
In the seminar, the following issues will be discussed:
- Unclear voice ≠ Poor articulation?
- Children’s voice can be a determinant of impression?
- Any relationship between voice and learning?
- How parents can help children to have healthy voice?
- How to know if your children have voice problem?
Dr. Estella Ma is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences of the Faculty. Upon the completion of her doctoral study at HKU in 2003, she worked at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, the University of Queensland as a lecturer before she rejoined the Division in 2006. Dr. Ma’s primary research interest is clinical voice science and disorders. The majority of her research takes a functional approach and is framed by the health classification scheme of the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). She is the Director of the Voice Research Laboratory.